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Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/26/2024

On June 13, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE942KK (AAA): Corrected Copy* – Unclassified Notice of Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

Additionally, on July 26, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE631-18 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

AE950-5 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Extension of Time to Comply with AE 950VV, Order, to Identify Location of Original Documents

AE950LL (WBA): Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/26/2024

On July 26, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE824L: RULING - Government Motion In Limine to Exclude Further Evidence of FBI/CIA Cooperation Irrelevant to the Proceedings

AE870C (MAH): Mr. al Hawsawi's Reply to Government Response to Mr. al Hawsawi's Motion to Exclude Evidence of Uncharged Conduct

AE922I (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion In Limine to Exclude Testimony of Government Witnesses and Testimony Noticed in AE 922H (GOV)

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Ramzi Bin al Shibh

As of 7/26/2024

On July 26, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE923 (RBS): Mr. Bin Al Shibh’s Notice of Unproduced Discovery

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/25/2024

On July 24, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE950TT: RULING AND ORDER Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

On July 25, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE658Q (GOV): Government Notice of Updated Classification Guidelines Relevant to Testimony of Former Special Agent Maria Jocys

AE692EE: Ruling and Order – Government Elicited Opinion from First Camp VII Commander

AE942SS (AAA): Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE950SS (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding Defense Notices Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g) Pertaining to Special Agent McFadden

AE950UU (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) for Dr. WK5I

AE950VV: Order to Identify Location of Original Documents

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/25/2024

On July 25, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0079.008 (NUR): Defense Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal CUI Filing

AE0080.003 (TJ): Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal Ruling

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/25/2024

On July 25, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE339XX: Government Response To Application for Withdrawal as Detailed Defense Counsel: LCDR Alaric A. Piette

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on July 25, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE578B: Second Amended Docketing Order (August – September 2024 Hearing)

Finally, on July 25, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 806 Transcript of the Al Nashiri (2) Motions Hearing Dated 3/3/2023 from 2:02 PM to 2:45 PM

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/24/2024

On July 24, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0017.222 (GOV): Government’s Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/24/2024

On June 6, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0083.002 (NUR): Defense Motion for Extension of Time to File a Reply to AE 0083.001 (GOV)

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/23/2024

On July 12, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE569A: Government Motion to Extend the Deadline to Respond to AE 569, Defense Motion to Exclude “Other Statements” Allegedly Made by Mr. Al-Nashiri from 2006-2009

Additionally, on July 23, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE547F: Defense Notice in Compliance with AE 547E

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/23/2024

On July 18, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE412LL: M.C.R.E. 505(h) Transcript (Placeholder)

Additionally, on July 22, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

Date filed – 22 July 2024

AE950NN (WBA): In-Court Submission (Placeholder)

AE950OO (WBA): In-Court Submission (Placeholder)

AE950PP (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

AE950RR: RULING Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

AE952C (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Response To AE 952 ORDER Specified Issues to be Briefed Invocation of Classified Information Privilege

Finally, on July 23, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE950 (Amend): AMENDED DOCKET ORDER 15 July – 9 August 2024 Hearing Session

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Bin Amin et al.

As of 7/23/2024

On July 23, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE0087.003 (AMI)(SUP): UNCLASSIFIED NOTICE - Mr. Bin Amin’s Notice of Classified Filing

A copy of this file is now available on the Bin Amin et al. Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/23/2024

On July 23, 2024, the following documents were posted:


AE0004.038 (NUR): Defense Notice Pursuant to AE 0004.036 (TJ)

AE0004.039 (NUR): Defense Notice of Permanent Change of Station of Detailed Counsel

AE0017.179 (GOV): Government Notice of Classified, Ex Parte, Under Seal Filing

AE0018.003 (LEP): Unclassified Notice Defense Notice of Classified Filing

AE0046.007 (GOV): Government Response to Defense Motion for Reconsideration of AE 0046.005 (TJ) Ruling - Defense Motion to Dismiss Based on the Government’s Violation of Mr. Nurjaman’s Right to a Speedy Trial

AE0057.005 (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses for April 2024 Hearing

AE0058.005 (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses for April 2024 Hearing

AE0063.005 (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses for April 2024 Hearing

AE0069.009 (GOV): Government Response To Defense Motion to Compel Production of Witnesses for April 2024 Hearing

AE0082.006 (TJ): Docketing Order July 2024 Hearing

AE0082.007 (NUR): Notice Pursuant to AE 0082.006 (TJ)

AE0082.008 (NUR): Defense Motion to Authorize Defense Counsel’s Absence From July 2024 Hearing

AE0082.009 (NUR): Defense Request to Extend Courtroom to RHR

AE0082.010 (GOV): Government Motion Authorization for use of the Remote Hearing Room

AE0083.004 (NUR): Defense Reply to Government Opposition to Defense Motion for Excusal of Detailed Counsel

AE0086.001 (NUR): Defense In-Court Submission

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/23/2024

On July 23, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE803K (GOV): Government Notice Of Compliance with AE 803J, Order, Government Motion To Request Substitutions Regarding Classified Discovery

AE829N: RULING AND ORDER - Government Motion For Appropriate Relief

AE852A (GOV): Government Response To Mr. Hawsawi's Motion to Dismiss Charges or Grant Other Relief Because the Government Failed to Inform Mr. Hawsawi "Without Delay" of the Charges Against Him

AE894A (WBA GOV): Joint Status Update in Accordance with AE 894 (Order), Status Update Learned Counsel for Mr. bin 'Attash

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/23/2024

On July 23, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE167: Defense Notice of Petitioner's Habeas Filing, Parts 1 through 4

AE214: Defense Motion to Abate the Proceedings Until Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay Obtains a Working MRI and DEXA Scan, Parts 1 and 2

AE260A: Government Omnibus Response to AE 260, AE 261, AE 262 Defense Motions For Preadmission of Defense Exhibits for Mitigation and Extenuation, Parts 1 and 2

AE261A: Government Omnibus Response to AE 260, AE 261, AE 262 Defense Motions For Preadmission of Defense Exhibits for Mitigation and Extenuation, Part 2 of 2

AE265: Defense Motion for Preadmission of Defense Exhibits for Mitigation and Extenuation (Unclassified Critical Mitigation Witness Statements)

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/23/2024

On July 22, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE568C: ORDER, Expedited Briefing Schedule

AE569D: RULING, Defense Motion to Continue Motion to Compel Witnesses in AE 569

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/22/2024

On July 18, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE013T: Government Notice of Handling Guidance and Implementation

Additionally, on July 19, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE568B: Government Response to defense Motion to Exclude Evidence Recovered from Yemeni Crime Scenes

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/22/2024

On July 22, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0080.002 (CDC): Defense Notice of Ex Parte/In Camera, Under Seal filing

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/22/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE950KK (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding Defense Notices Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g) Pertaining to Special Agent McFadden

On July 22, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE658P (GOV): CORRECTED COPY* - Government Notice Of Classification Guidelines Relevant to Testimony of Former Special Agent Maria Jocys

AE950QQ (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

AE952B (AAA WBA): Mr. al Baluchi’s & Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Response to AE 952 Order,  Specified Issues to be Briefed Invocation of Classified Information Privilege, filed 22 July

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE954H (WBA): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

AE954I (MAH): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following documents were filed:
AE339WW: ORDER, Application for Withdrawal as Detailed Defense Counsel (AE 339VV)

AE568A: Defense Motion to Compel Witnesses in Support of its Motion to Exclude Evidence

AE569C: RULING and ORDER, Government Motion to Extend the Deadline to Respond to AE 569, Defense Motion to Exclude “Other Statements” Allegedly Made by Mr. Al-Nashiri from 2006-2009 (AE 569A)

AE567A: Government Response To Defense Omnibus Motion in Limine to Exclude Specific Classes of Evidence

AE570A: Government Response To Defense Motion to Exclude Fingerprints Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 702 and Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharm., Inc., 509 U.S. 579 (1993)

AE571A: Government Response to Defense Motion in Limine to Exclude any Evidence about a Connection Between Mr. Al-Nashiri and the 1998 Embassy Bombings

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE538YY: ORDER - Government Motion to Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Previously Filed Classified Discovery

AE561QQ: ORDER - Government Motion to Request Substitutions and Other Relief Regarding Previously Filed Classified Discovery

AE639-25 (MFL)(KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Indemnification of Dr. James Mitchell and Dr. John (“Bruce”) Jessen

AE921A (GOV): In Court Submission (Timeline & Work Estimates)

AE942-4 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion for Extension of Time to Reply to AE 942HH (AAA), Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE 628LLLLLLLLL (GOV), Government Motion to Compel Production of Data Relied Upon by Dr. Leo Shea in Conducting a Neuropsychological Evaluation of Mr. Ali

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 7/19/2024 from 9:05 AM to 11:17 AM

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 18, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE950GG (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE950HH (WBA): Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE954E (KSM): In Court Submission (SOU)

AE954F (AAA): In Court Submission (SOU)

AE954G (MAH): In Court Submission (SOU)

On July 19, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE942RR (AAA): (U) Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE950II (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding Defense Notices Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g) Pertaining to Former Camp 7 Commander

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/19/2024

On February 23, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:


AE0074.003 (TJ): ORDER - Government Request to Reschedule 15-19 April 2024 Hearing

Additionally, on April 16, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.180 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.182 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

Finally, on July 16, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0017.220 (GOV): Government’s Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Filing

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/19/2024

On July 19, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 7/18/2024 from 5:10 PM to 8:44 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/18/2024

On July 18, 2024, the following documents were filed:
AE547E: Order, Government Motion to Compel Unredacted Trauma History

AE569B: Unopposed Defense Motion to Continue Motion to Compel Witnesses in AE 569

AE580: Defense Motion to Dismiss Due to Prosecution Use of Prohibited Evidence Obtained by Torture

AE581: Defense Motion to Establish the Commission’s Position on the Applicability of the Confrontation Clause

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on July 18, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE578A: Amended Docketing Order (August – September 2024 Hearing)

AE582: Scheduling Order (Calendar Year 2025)

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/18/2024

On July 18, 2024, the following document was reposted due to an incorrect page numbering:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 7/16/2024 from 9:02 AM to 4:07 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/18/2024

On January 10, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.112 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.116 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.117 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

Additionally, on January 17, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0072.004 (TJ): RULING - Defense Motion to Postpone Upcoming Depositions

Finally, on January 18, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.127 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.128 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.129 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.130 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.131 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0071.018 (TJ): ORDER - Expedited Briefing Cycle – Defense Emergency Motion to Postpone Depositions until D.C. Circuit Issues Decision on Writ of Mandamus on Government use of Torture-Derived Evidence

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/18/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE950H (WBA Sup): Defense Supplement to AE 950H (WBA), Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

On July 17, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE942QQ: RULING AND ORDER – Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE950JJ: RULING AND ORDER – Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE954C (WBA): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

AE954D (MAH): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/17/2024

On July 17, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE440CCC: RULING – Government Motion to Extend Government Reply Deadlines (AE 440AAA)

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/17/2024

On January 4, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.087 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

Additionally, on January 10, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.113 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.117 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.118 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.123 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

Finally, on January 11, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.101 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.114 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.119 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.121 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.122 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.125 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0072.002 (TJ): ORDER - Expedited Briefing Cycle – Defense Motion to Postpone Upcoming Depositions

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/17/2024

On July 11, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE942-11 (RUL)(AAA): RULING - Motion for Leave to File Supplement to AE 942KK (AAA) Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE953: Scheduling Order Calendar Year 2025

Additionally, on July 12, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE707-2 (RUL)(MAH): RULING - Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Leave to File a Supplement to AE 707 (MAH), Mr. Hawsawi’s Motion to Find M.C.R.E. 304(a)(5) Void Under the Military Commissions Act and the U.S. Constitution

AE950Z (WBA): Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing

Also, on July 15, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE945F (MAH): (U) Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing

AE945F (MAH): CORRECTED COPY* - (U) Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing

Finally, on July 16, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE950-4 (RUL)(WBA): RULING - Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion for Leave to File Supplement to AE 950H (WBA), Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/17/2024

On July 17, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 7/16/2024 from 9:02 AM to 4:07 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/16/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.218 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0084.002 (TJ): Notice of Ex Parte Under Seal Ruling

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/16/2024

On March 30, 2022, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE473C: RULING – Defense Motion for Leave to File Reply to AE 473A Two (2) Weeks Upon Receipt of Forthcoming Discovery

On July 15, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE579: Government Unclassified Notice Of Government Motion for Protective Order Pursuant To The Military Commissions Act Of 2009, 10 U.S.C. § 949p-4, And Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/16/2024

On July 15, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE950FF (WBA): Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

On July 16, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE940L: RULING – Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Government Breach of Protected Defense Workspaces

AE950-3 (MFL)(WBA): Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion for Leave to File Supplement to AE 950H (WBA), Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

AE954 (WBA): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

AE954A (AAA): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

AE954B (MAH): In Court Submission (Statement of Understanding)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/16/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE239C: Government Notice Pursuant to AE 233E (Government Exhibit and Witness List)

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/16/2024

On December 13, 2023, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE330O: RULING - Defense Motion to Compel Production of Complete, Unredacted Medical Records

Additionally, on July 3, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE950L: RULING - Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Authorization of Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From Remote Hearing Room

Finally, on July 16, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE330O: CORRECTED COPY RULING - Defense Motion to Compel Production of Complete, Unredacted Medical Records

AE399 (WBA Sup): Mr. bin 'Atash's Supplement to Defense Motion to Compel JTF-GTMO to Permit In-Person Visitation between Mr. bin 'Atash and Members of his Family

AE628NNNNNNN (GOV): In Court Submission (FBI Document)

AE827-10 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Extension of Time to Comply with AE 827K, Ruling, Defense Motion to Compel Discovery Related to Omar al Bayoumi

AE871F (GOV Sup): Government Supplement To AE 871F (GOV), Government Motion For Protective Order Regarding Law Enforcement Polygraph Reports and Accompanying Data

AE871L: *CORRECTED COPY ORDER - Government Motion for Protective Order Regarding Law Enforcement Polygraph Reports and Accompanying Data

AE910S (AAA): Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE922B (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice of Declination of Joinder and Statement of Separate Position

AE922J: SECOND TRIAL CONDUCT ORDER - 12 February – 8 March 2024 Hearing Session

AE949F (AAA): Defense Notice of Objection To AE 949E (GOV) Government Notice In Response to AE 949D Trial Conduct Order, ¶ 5.a.

AE950F (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Authorization of Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From Remote Hearing Room

AE950J (GOV): Government Motion For Authorization for Trial Counsel Participation from Remote Hearing Room

AE950M (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

AE950N (WBA): Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Permit Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel From Courtroom #2, at NSGB, and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

AE950U (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

AE950V: RULING - Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Ramzi Bin al Shibh

As of 7/16/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE919N: NOTICE Of Adopted Ruling from U.S. v. Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, et al. AE 330O *Corrected Copy

A copy of this file is now available on the Ramzi Bin al Shibh Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/16/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE214BB: Defense Notice of Exhibits in Support of Defense Motion to Abate the Proceedings Until Joint Task Force Guantanamo Bay Obtains a Working MRI and DEXA Scan

AE230: Defense Motion to Implement Expedited Medical Discovery Protocol

AE260A (Sup): Government Omnibus Supplement to AE 260A, 261A, and 262A

AE261A (Sup): Government Omnibus Supplement to AE 260A, 261A, and 262A

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/16/2024

On July 16, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the KSM et al. (2) Motions Hearing Dated 7/15/2024 from 10:04 AM to 3:02 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/15/2024

On July 15, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE630IIIII (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Exhibits

AE950AA (WBA): (U) Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE951C: (U) RULING AND ORDER - (U) Mr. al Baluchi and Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Procedures Regarding Legal Meetings in Expeditionary Legal Complex Facilities

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/15/2024

On July 12, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0012.022 (NUR): Mr. Nurjaman’s Response to AE 0012.021 (GOV)

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on July 15, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0017.221 (TJ): Notice of Ex Parte Under Seal Classified Ruling

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/15/2024

On July 15, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE440AAA: Government Motion to Extend Government Reply Deadlines for AE 572B, AE 574, AE 575, AE 576, and AE 577

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on July 15, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:
AE440BBB: Ruling – Defense Motion to Extend “Law Motions” Deadlines Established in AE 440UU

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/15/2024

On June 27, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0082.008 (NUR): Defense Motion to Authorize Defense Counsel’s Absence From July 2024 Hearing

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/15/2024

On June 13, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0079.005 (NUR): Defense Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal

On June 14, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0059.007 (NUR): Defense Motion to Amend AE 0059.006 (TJ) Amended Scheduling Order (July 2024 Session)

On June 17, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0017.210 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

On June 18, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0017.212 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

On June 20, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0017.211 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, In Camera, Under Seal Classified Filing

AE0017.213 (TJ): Ruling

AE0059.008 (GOV): Government Response to AE 0059.007 (NUR) Defense Motion to Amend AE 0059.006 (TJ) Amended Scheduling Order (July 2024 Session)

On July 11, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:


Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/12/2024

On July 11, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0079.007 (NUR): Defense Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal CUI Filing

Additionally, on July 12, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:


Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/12/2024

On July 12, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE707 (MAH Sup): Defense Supplement to Defense Motion to Find M.C.R.E. 304(a)(5) Void Under the Military Commissions Act and the U.S. Constitution

AE950BB: RULING AND ORDER Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE950CC: RULING AND ORDER Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE950DD: RULING AND ORDER - Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE950EE: RULING AND ORDER - Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/12/2024

On July 12, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE333 (MAH Sup): Mr. Hawsawi's Unclassified Notice of Classified Filing

A copy of this file is now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/12/2024

On July 9, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0085.001 (GOV): Corrected Copy - Government Notice of Handling Guidance and Implementation Addendum

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/12/2024

On July 12, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the Encep Nurjaman Motions Hearing Dated 07/11/2024 from 9:08 AM to 10:44 AM

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page as well as the Daily Transcript page of this website while the hearings are occurring.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/11/2024

On July 11, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE606A (GOV) CORRECTED COPY*: Government Notice of Handling Guidance and Implementation Addendum

AE707-1 (MFL)(MAH): Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion for Leave to File a Supplement to AE 707 (MAH), Mr. Hawsawi’s Motion to Find M.C.R.E. 304(a)(5) Void Under the Military Commissions Act and the U.S. Constitution

AE942-10 (MFL) (AAA): Motion for Leave to File Supplement to AE 942KK (AAA) Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE942KK (AAA Sup): Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE950X (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A) requesting his presence during the testimony of Dr. Bruce Jessen, Dr. WK5I and the Former Camp 7 Commander pursuant to AE 630CCCC Ruling

AE950Y: RULING AND ORDER - Pursuant to Military Commission Rule of Evidence 505(h) and Rule for Military Commissions 806(b)(2)

AE951B (AAA KSM): Mr. al Baluchi and Mr. Mohammad’s Reply to AE 951A (GOV) Government Response to AE 951 (AAA KSM)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/11/2024

On June 24, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE563L: Defense Motion for Appropriate Relief: Extend AE 563C to Attorney-Client Visits Unconnected to Hearings

Additionally, on July 11, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE440ZZ: Unopposed Defense Motion to Extend “Law Motions” Deadlines Established in AE 440UU

AE339VV: Application for Withdrawal as Detailed Defense Counsel: LCDR Alaric A. Piette

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

Additionally, on October 3, 2022, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE526F: ORDER FOR EXPEDITED BRIEFING SCHEDULE – Defense Motion to Continue Hearings Until at Least April 2023

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/11/2024

On July 11, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the Encep Nurjaman Motions Hearing Dated 07/10/2024 from 10:06 AM to 12:13 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/10/2024

On July 10, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the Al Iraqi Motions Hearing Dated 6/13/2024 from 8:32 AM to 12:37 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/10/2024

On July 8, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE950-1 (MFL)(KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Motion to Permit Absence of Counsel

Additionally, on July 9, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE705-12 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Second Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 705 (MAH 2nd Sup), Defense Supplement to Defense Motion to Compel Discovery (Location 6 and Camp 7 SOPs and Correspondence)

AE950-2 (RUL)(KSM): RULING - Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time Motion to Permit Absence of Counsel

Finally, on July 10, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE631-16 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

AE631-17 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/10/2024

On July 10, 2024, the following documents were filed:
AE572C: Defense Response to Government Motion In Limine for a Determination Regarding the Admissibility of Five Yemeni Leases

AE574A: Defense Response to Government Motion to Admit Tangible Items Collected On or Near the USS Cole

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/10/2024

On July 9, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE9500 (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(l)(A) for Special Agent Maria Jocys

Additionally, on July 10, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE950W (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding Defense Notices Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g) Pertaining to Special Agent Maria Jocys

AE952A (GOV): Government Brief In Response to AE 952, Order, Specified Issues to be Briefed Invocation of Classified Information Privilege

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/10/2024

On July 9, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0085.001 (GOV): Placeholder - Government Notice of Handling Guidance and Implementation Addendum

Additionally, on July 10, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE0004.039 (NUR): Defense Notice of Permanent Change of Station of Detailed Counsel

AE0086.001 (NUR): Defense In-Court Submission

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/9/2024

On July 3, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0024.064 (GOV): Government’s Monthly Status Update for Discovery

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/9/2024

On July 8, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE705-11 (MFL)(GOV): Government Second Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 705 (MAH 2nd Sup), Defense Supplement to Defense Motion to Compel Discovery (Location 6 and Camp 7 SOPs and Correspondence)

AE950T (WBA): Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

Additionally, on July 9, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE940K (GOV): Government Notice In Accordance With AE 940J, Second Interim Order, Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Government Breach of Protected Defense Workspaces

AE950T (WBA): Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A)

AE950U (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

AE950V: RULING - Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/9/2024

On July 9, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE319EEEE (Amend): RULING - Defense Motion to Exclude Hearsay Statements Identified in Government Notices AE 166 and AE 166A

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/9/2024

On May 14, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE926 (AAA Sup): Supplement to AE 926 Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Dismiss All Charges for Unlawful Influence by Members of Congress

Additionally, on July 9, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE628WWWWWW (AAA): (U) Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(l)(A)

AE684G (KSM): Defense Notice of Exhibits

AE781H (GOV): Government Notice Of Discovery and Status Regarding CIA FOIA Releases

AE924A (GOV): Government Notice Of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay COVID-19 Mitigation Measures

AE926-3 (MFL)(AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion for Leave to Amend AE 926B Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply to Government Response to Motion to Dismiss All Charges for Unlawful Influence by Members of Congress

AE938 (MAH): Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion to Compel Discovery regarding Former JTF-GTMO Personnel “WK5I”

AE942-2 (MFL)(AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Extension of Time to Respond to AE 628LLLLLLLLL (GOV) Government Motion to Compel Production of Data Relied Upon by Dr. Leo Shea in Conducting a Neuropsychological Evaluation of Mr. Ali

AE948C (WBA): Defense Notice of Compliance with AE 948A (ORD)

AE949D: TRIAL CONDUCT ORDER - Proper Scope of Lay Witness Testimony of Forensic Psychiatrists and/or Clinical Psychiatrists

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Ramzi Bin al Shibh

As of 7/9/2024

On July 9, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE918D (RBS): (U) Mr. Bin al Shibh’s Twenty-Sixth Status Update Pursuant to AE 152FFFF

A copy of this file is now available on the Ramzi Bin al Shibh Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/8/2024

On July 3, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE951A (GOV): Government Response To AE 951 (AAA KSM), Mr. Ali and Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Procedures Regarding Legal Meetings in Expeditionary Legal Complex Facilities

Additionally, on July 8, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE606A (GOV): Government Notice of Handling Guidance and Implementation Addendum

AE950E (MAH): Unclassified Notice of Mr. al Hawsawi’s Notice of Exhibits for Mr. al Hawsawi’s Examination of Dr. John Bruce Jessen

AE950R (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding AE 950H (WBA) Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)

AE950S (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding AE 950D (MAH) Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/8/2024

On July 8, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE339UU: RULING - Application for Withdrawal as Detailed Defense Counsel

AE578: DOCKETING ORDER - August–September 2024 Hearing

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/5/2024

On June 26, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE631-14 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

AE631-15 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

On June 27, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE866I (GOV): Government Response To AE 866 (AAA Sup) Mr. Ali’s Supplement to AE 866 (MAH), Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion to Suppress Statements Made to the FBI and the CSRT for Lack of Rights Warnings Under Article 31, UCMJ and Miranda v. Arizona

AE950B (GOV): Government Notice Of Witness For July–August 2024 Hearings

On June 28, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE945D: Notice of Ex Parte/Under Seal Order

On July 1, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE945E (MAH): (U) Mr. al Hawsawi’s Response to AE 945D, Ex Parte and Under Seal Filing

AE952-2 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Motion For Extension of Time to Submit a Brief In Accordance With AE 952, Order, Specified Issues to be Briefed Invocation of Classified Information Privilege

On July 3, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE950K: RULING - Government Motion for Authorization For Trial Counsel Participation from Remote Hearing Room

On July 5, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE950P: RULING - Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

AE950Q: RULING - Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Permit Absence of Detailed Counsel From Courtroom #2, at NSGB, and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/5/2024

On February 9, 2022, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0024.023 (AMI): Mr. Bin Amin’s Notice of Proposed Trial Dates

Additionally, on September 8, 2023, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0056.004 (TJ): ORDER - Defense Motion to Bar Regulations Burdening Access to Counsel

Finally, on January 3, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0071.013 (NUR): Defense Reply to Government Response to AE 0071.001 (NUR), Defense Motion to Preclude the Use of Torture-Derived Evidence in Upcoming Depositions

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Bin Amin et al.

As of 7/5/2024

On January 17, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0091.001 (AMI): Defense In-Court Submission

Additionally, on January 18, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0089.004 (GOV)(TRANS): Bin Amin Quantum Translation

Finally, on January 25, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0098.001 (AMI): Sentencing Worksheet

AE0098.002 (LEP): Sentencing Worksheet

AE0099.001 (TJ): Proposed Sentencing Instructions

Copies of these files are now available on the Bin Amin et al. Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/3/2024

On June 28, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE952-1 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Extension of Time to Submit a Brief In Accordance With AE 952, Order, Specified Issues to be Briefed Invocation of Classified Information Privilege

Additionally, on July 3, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE950J (GOV): Government Motion For Authorization for Trial Counsel Participation from Remote Hearing Room

AE950M (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion To Permit the Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

AE950N (WBA): Mr. bin ‘Atash’s Motion to Permit Absence of Detailed Defense Counsel From Courtroom #2, at NSGB, and Participation From the Remote Hearing Room

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/3/2024

On June 17, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE573: Defense Notice of Classified Filing:  Defense Motion to Suppress Custodial Statements Taken in Violation of Mr. Al-Nashiri’s Right to Counsel

A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Bin Amin et al.

As of 7/3/2024

On July 3, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE0067.002 (GOV): Motion for Leave to File Joint Response Pretrial Agreement Clarification Out of Time

AE0080.003 (GOV)(2nd Sup): Second Supplement to AE 0080.003 (GOV) Government Motion In Limine to Pre-admit Sentencing Exhibits

Copies of these files are now available on the Bin Amin et al. Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/3/2024

On July 3, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE523EE (AAA KSM WBA MAH GOV): Fourth and Final Joint Status Update in Response to AE 523AA Trial Conduct Order

AE628GGGGGGG (AAA): *CORRECTED COPY – Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE628ZZZZZ (AAA): Defense Notice of Exhibits, Parts 1 through 4

AE804 (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Notice of Hearsay Evidence Under MCRE 803(b), Parts 1 through 6

AE911 (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Motion for Appropriate Relief from Government Demand to Destroy Material Evidence

AE914Y (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)

AE938E (Amend): Amended RULING - Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion to Compel Discovery regarding Former JTF-GTMO Personnel “WK5I”

AE938E: RULING - Mr. al Hawsawi’s Motion to Compel Discovery regarding Former JTF-GTMO Personnel “WK5I”

AE942W (AAA): In Court Submission (CV Al-Hammadi)

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0046.008 (NUR): Defense Reply to Government Response to AE 0046.006 (NUR) Defense Motion for Reconsideration of AE 0046.005 (TJ) Ruling - Defense Motion to Dismiss Based on the Government’s Violation of Mr. Nurjaman’s Right to a Speedy Trial

A copy of this file is now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE658O (GOV): Government Notice Of Revised Classification Guidelines

AE866J (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Reply To AE 866I Government Response to AE 866 (AAA Sup)

AE940J SECOND INTERIM ORDER - Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Government Breach of Protected Defense Workspaces

AE950F (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion For Authorization of Absence of Counsel From Courtroom #2 and Participation From Remote Hearing Room

AE950I (GOV): Government Notice Of Position Regarding Defense Notices Filed Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g) Pertaining to Former Camp 7 Command

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE0002.044 (AMI): Mr. Bin Amin’s Motion for a Hearing with Witnesses to Determine the Sufficiency of the 30 and 31 August Proceedings

AE0004.035 (NUR): Motion for Excusal of Detailed Defense Counsel

AE0017.044 (TJ): ORDER Ex Parte Hearing Pursuant to 10 U.S.C. § 949p-4(b)(2); M.C.R.E. 505(f)(2)(B)

AE0017.192 (GOV): Government Request for Ex Parte M.C.R.E. 505 Hearings for May 2024

AE0017.193 (GOV): Government's Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, in Camera, Under Seal Filing

AE0017.194 (GOV): Government's Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, in Camera, Under Seal Filing

AE0017.195 (GOV): Government's Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, in Camera, Under Seal Filing

AE0017.202 (TJ): RULING - Approval of Substitutions and Other Relief from Discovery of Classified Information

AE0017.204 (GOV): Government's Unclassified Notice of Ex Parte, in Camera, Under Seal Filing

AE0019.001 (TJ): Military Judge Order

AE0024.044 (GOV): Government’s Unclassified Notice of Classified Filing

AE0032.001 (NUR): Defense Motion to Dismiss Due to Prosecution Use of Prohibited Evidence Obtained by Torture

AE0049.001 (NUR): Defense Motion to Compel Discovery Related to Government Efforts to Procure and Preserve Testimony of Imam Samudra

AE0057.007 (NUR SUP): Defense Notice of Additional Evidence for April 2024 Hearings

AE0078.002 (NUR): Defense Reply to Government Opposition to Mr. Nurjaman’s Motion for Excusal of Detailed Counsel

Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Bin Amin et al.

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE0080.003 (GOV)(SUP): Supplement to AE 0080.003 (GOV) Government Motion In Limine to Pre-admit Sentencing Exhibits

A copy of this file is now available on the Bin Amin et al. Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Ramzi Bin al Shibh

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE921 (GOV): Government Notice Of Memoranda Served on Defense to Destroy Discovery Previously Provided

A copy of this file is now available on the Ramzi Bin al Shibh Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE014D: ORDER - Protective Order #3

AE339RR: Application for Withdrawal as Learned Counsel

AE440QQ: Defense Request to File Additional “Law Motions” as Required by the Duty to Provide Effective Assistance of Counsel

AE440RR: Unopposed Defense Motion to Continue Evidentiary Motions Deadline Relating to Expert Witness Challenges and Motions to Suppress Statements of Kazimi and Rabbani

AE440SS: Government Response to Defense Request to File Additional “Law Motions” as Required by the Duty to Provide Effective Assistance of Counsel

AE440TT: RULING - Unopposed Defense Motion to Continue Evidentiary Motions Deadline Relating to Expert Witness Challenges and Motions to Suppress Statements of Kazimi and Rabbani

AE457M (Sup): Defense Supplement to Defense Omnibus Notice IAW M.C.R.E. 505 in Support of April-May 2022 Commission Session

AE458EEE: Government Notice Pursuant to AE 458 Regarding In re Al-Nashiri, No. 23-003 (U.S.C.M.C.R.)

AE458FFF: Government Notice Pursuant to AE 458 Regarding In re Al-Nashiri, No. 23-1159 (D.C. Cir.)

AE482P: Joint Stipulation of Fact (Medical)

AE557C: RULING - Defense Motion for Bill of Particulars Related to Hostilities Alleged in Referral

AE562D: Government Notice Pursuant to AE 562

AE566B: Notice to use RHR May 2024

AE566D: Defense Notice of M.C.R.E. 505(g) Conference with Government Pursuant to AE 566 A copy of this file may be made available upon the completion of a security review

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/2/2024

On July 2, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE007W: Defense Notice of Excusal of Detailed Defense Counsel

AE070AAAAAA: Unclassified Notice to Government Response to Defense Supplemental Filing to AE 070DDDD - Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g) With Regard to Ahmed al-Darbi Deposition

AE070KKKKKK: Military Judge Ruling on Defense Motion To Compel Discovery of Unredacted Statements of Ahmed Mohammed Ahmed Haza al-Darbi

AE098LL: Government Response to Defense Motion For Leave to File Defense Motion for Appropriate Relief Out of Time

AE098S: Government Notice to the Commission Pursuant to AE 098H (Corrected Copy) for the Year 2006

AE099EEEE: Defense Notice to the Government and the Commission Pursuant to AE 099I

AE117C: In-Court Submission: Defense Argument – AE 117

AE131K: SMO Notes

AE172K: Government Response to Defense Second Supplemental Briefing on the Matters Addressed in AE 172A

AE185BB: Defense Notice To the Commission Pursuant to AE 185X: Waiver of Appearance

AE232I: Unopposed Defense Motion For Detailed Defense Counsel to be Absent from the June 2023 Commission Session

AE261B: Defense Omnibus Reply to Government Omnibus Response to AE 260, AE 261, AE 262 Defense Motions For Preadmission of Defense Exhibits for Mitigation and Extenuation

AE263H: RULING AE 263 - Defense Motion to Compel Discovery Related to Mr. al-Tamir’s Treatment in Camp VII and AE 263C - Government Motion to Request an In Camera Hearing Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(h) and M.C.R.E. 506(i)

AE264 (Amend): Amended Defense Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g) With Regard to Testimony and Argument Relating to AE 260, AE 261, and AE 262

AE279: Defense Notice Pursuant to AE 233E, para. 4(c)

AE280DD (Sup): ORDER - Additional Question Regarding Defense Sentencing Argument and OCA Declarations Supporting Government Requests at AE 280BB

AE280T: Attachment to the Record of Trial – Email Summary of 15 May 2024 R.M.C. 802 Conference

AE284B: Government Notice of Submission of Display Exhibit

AE285: In-Court Submission (Memorandum for Record MCDO Space Access at NCR and NSGB)

AE285A: In-Court Submission (Email from Mr. Wall to Defense Team)

AE285C: In-Court Submission (Declaration of Daniel Purtill)

AE285E: In-Court Submission (Security Review Follow-On Action Memorandum)

AE287E: R.M.C. 802 Conference Email – Regarding Government Witness List IAW AE 287

AE289: Questions by Panel Member 15

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/2/2024

On June 28, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE440YY: RULING – Joint Motion to Extend Evidentiary Motions Deadlines Established in AE 440PP

Additionally, on July 2, 2024, the following document was posted:

AE554I: ORDER – 4th Amended Scheduling Order (CY 2024)

Copies of these files are now available on the Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al-Rahim Hussein Muhammed Abdu Al-Nashiri (2)

As of 7/1/2024

On June 28, 2024, the following document was filed:
AE339TT: Defense Reply to AE 339SS Government Response to AE 339RR Defense Application for Withdrawal as Learned Counsel

Additionally, on July 1, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE575: Government Motion In Limine for a Determination Regarding the Admissibility of Foreign Identification Documents

AE576: Government Motion In Limine for a Determination Regarding the Admissibility of Twenty-One Relevant Vehicle and Boat Related Documents

AE577: Government Motion In Limine for a Determination Regarding the Admissibility of Seven Foreign Documents Related to Madinat Al-Sha’b, Al-Burayqah, Al-Tawahi, and Al-Hudaydah Properties in Yemen

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 7/1/2024

On June 28, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE949F (AAA): Defense Notice of Objection To AE 949E (GOV) Government Notice In Response to AE 949D Trial Conduct Order, ¶ 5.a.

AE950C (GOV): Government Notice Of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay COVID-19 Mitigation Measures

Additionally, on July 1, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE942PP (GOV): Government Response To AE 942MM (AAA), Mr. al Baluchi’s Motion to Compel Discovery Relating to Testimony of Kimberly Waltz and Aaron Zebley

AE950D (MAH): Defense Notice pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(A), regarding Witness Examinations of Dr. John Bruce Jessen and Dr. WK5I during the July – August 2024 Hearings 

AE950G (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi’s Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE950H (WBA): Defense Notice Pursuant to M.C.R.E. 505(g)(1)(a)

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/1/2024

On July 1, 2024, the following document was posted:

Unofficial/Unauthenticated 803 Transcript of the Al Iraqi Motions Hearing Dated 6/17/2024 from 8:33 AM to 12:19 PM

A copy of this file is now available on the Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Encep Nurjaman

As of 7/1/2024

On June 27, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0082.009 (NUR): Defense Request to Extend Courtroom to RHR

Additionally, on June 28, 2024, the following documents were filed:


AE0012.021 (GOV): Government Motion for Modification to AE 0012.020 (TJ)

AE0082.010 (GOV): Government Motion Authorization for use of the Remote Hearing Room

Finally, on July 1, 2024, the following document was filed:

AE0017.217 (TJ): RULING - Approval of Substitutions and Other Relief from Discovery of Classified Information

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.

On June 27, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE0079.006 (NUR): Defense Notice of Ex Parte CUI Filing

Additionally, on June 28, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE0082.011 (TJ): RULING - Authorization for the Use of the RHR (July 2024 Hearing)

AE0082.012 (TJ): RULING - Defense Motion to Authorize Defense Counsel’s Absence from July 2024 Hearing

Finally, on July 1, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:


Copies of these files are now available on the Encep Nurjaman Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - Abd al Hadi al-Iraqi

As of 7/1/2024

On June 20, 2024, the following documents were filed:

AE266B: Sentencing Worksheet

AE291: Sentencing Instructions

AE292: Post-Trial and Appellate Rights Advisement

Copies of these files may be made available upon the completion of a security review.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 6/28/2024

On June 28, 2024, the following documents were posted:

AE330-15 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Extension of Time to Comply with AE 330O, Ruling, Defense Motion to Compel Production of Complete, Unredacted Medical Records, Paragraph 5

AE628RRRRRR (AAA): Mr. al Baluchi's Notice Pursuant to MCRE 505(g)(1)(A)

AE632ZZZ: THIRD TRIAL CONDUCT ORDER - Defense Motions to Suppress Letterhead Memoranda (LHM) Statements

AE639-30 (MFL)(KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Leave to File Out of Time a Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding 8 February 2022 Discovery Request

AE910M (GOV): Government Consolidated Response to AE 910J (AAA), Mr. Ali’s Notice of Request To Be Present During Testimony of JTF Commander, and AE 914CC (KSM), Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Pursuant to AE 630CCCC (Amend)

AE914CC (KSM): Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Pursuant to AE 630CCCC (Amend)

AE914GG (GOV): Government Consolidated Response to AE 910J (AAA), Mr. Ali’s Notice of Request To Be Present During Testimony of JTF Commander, and AE 914CC (KSM), Mr. Mohammad’s Notice Pursuant to AE 630CCCC (Amend)

AE914S (KSM): Mr. Mohammad's Motion To Defer Testimony of SA Francis Pellegrino and IA Brian Antol until the Government has Fulfilled its Discovery Obligations, and to Make Them Available for In-Person Cross Examination in the Event of Their Testimony

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.


Military Commissions - KSM et al. (2)

As of 5/31/2024

On May 28, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE631-10 (MFL)(GOV): Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

AE949-2 (RUL)(KSM): RULING - Mr. Mohammad’s Motion for Extension of Time to Comply with AE 949 Trial Conduct Order

On May 29, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE631-11 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Motion For Leave to File Out of Time a Response to AE 631NNN (WBA), Mr. Bin ‘Attash’s Motion to Accept Stipulation

On May 30, 2024, the following document was filed and is now posted:

AE948-3 (MFL)(KSM): Motion for Leave to File out of Time Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Compliance with AE 948A, Order in re Government Notice of Memoranda to Destroy Discovery Previously Provided

On May 31, 2024, the following documents were filed and are now posted:

AE942-5 (RUL)(GOV): RULING - Government Motion for Extension of Time to Reply to AE 942HH (AAA), Mr. al Baluchi’s Response to AE 628LLLLLLLLL (GOV), Government Motion to Compel Production of Data Relied Upon by Dr. Leo Shea in Conducting a Neuropsychological Evaluation of Mr. Ali

AE948-4 (RUL)(KSM): RULING - Motion for Leave to File out of Time Mr. Mohammad’s Notice of Compliance with AE 948A, Order in re Government Notice of Memoranda to Destroy Discovery Previously Provided

Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.